Welcome to 32 Stripes, a fresh thinking talent acquisition company for the informatics and information technology industry. With Zach Harris, a specialist informatics and IT recruitment consultant with long experience in successful candidate placement, the driving force behind 32 Stripes, the business fills a gap in fast growing informatics recruitment by finding the right people to drive this business-critical function.
According to Randstad’s Talent Trends report for 2023,[i] 51% of talent leaders agree that digital transformation is moving fast, and they are failing to keep up. This is where the unique 32 Stripes approach can help: we specialise in solving difficult recruitment challenges. Our thorough understanding of the needs of informatics organisations, such as electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) and laboratory information management system (LIMS) providers, means we bring together our specialist sector knowledge with a pool of experienced candidates to help meet our clients’ recruitment demands.
Meet informatics recruitment specialist Zach Harris
Zach’s industry recognition and targeted network of specialist candidates is what sets 32 Stripes apart. With a career in informatics and information services recruitment, Zach has a long history in the successful placement of project managers, business analysts, product specialists and architects within informatics vendors and implementation projects.
32 Stripes is committed to the employment journey of its candidates, matching their long-term goals to the right career path, rather than filling a temporary gap, to ensure clients not only attract but are also placed to retain the right talent in this competitive market.
The informatics challenge
In 2022, the UK recruitment industry experienced an upsurge in the need for technology and digital roles, set against the backdrop of an acknowledged skills shortage in the digital sector. A 2019 report outlines that at least one or more specific digital skills are required in 67% of high-skill jobs,[ii] reinforcing the need for expert recruitment consultancies like 32 Stripes.
With our rapid digital transformation showing no sign of abating, the current shortfall of skilled candidates to populate the informatics sector is set to add to the difficulty in finding the right candidate. Recruiters are faced with the challenge of vetting a scarce number of appropriate individuals in related fields such as technology.[iii]
The 32 Stripes team of experienced recruitment professionals devises and implements knowledge-led talent acquisition strategies on behalf of clients with the goal of selecting the best candidates, no matter how niche or specialist the role.
What are the benefits of working with a specialist recruitment consultancy?
32 Stripes is founded on the belief that solving difficult recruitment problems demands commitment and creativity. That’s why we work harder and smarter to deliver results. Being equally motivated by client demands and candidate aims gives us a unique perspective that is consistent with long term value and an altogether healthier relationship between recruiters and everyone else. So, you can expect honesty, transparency, genuine commitment and nothing less. With informatics professionals increasingly hard to find in this fast-changing technology market, working with an expert recruitment consultancy partner will save time and resources in finding and retaining the right people for your business, ultimately building a successful team for the long-term.
To keep up to speed with the latest informatics talent trends, follow 32 Stripes on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/32-stripes
[i] Talent trends 2023, Randstad Enterprise, January 2023. 2023 global Talent Trends Report | reframe your enterprise talent blueprint. (hubspotusercontent-na1.net)
[ii] No Longer Optional: Employer Demand for Digital Skills, GOV.UK, June 2019. No Longer Optional: Employer Demand for Digital Skills (publishing.service.gov.uk)
[iii] Recruitment M&A Review, BDO, February 2023. 2023 Annual Recruitment M&A Report | Download – BDO